Whether large or small, when those closest to the work and to the end using customer don’t spot light the organization’s value, your marketing efforts are underpowered.
What do I mean?
When those in your organization who interact with the public day in and day out don’t shine the light of the organization’s core value proposition on each and every interaction, the value of human to human interaction is lost. Yes, more and more customer transactions are done on–line without human involvement. And, in those cases spot lighting is dependent on your electronic communications creativity and delivery wizardry. But, there are still countless transactions every day that rely on human involvement. Just think about healthcare services, personal grooming services, financial services, construction services, restaurant and convenience food services, automobile sales and service. Need I continue? In each of these cases, from the first point of contact to the last, the customer is assessing whether or not their hard earned dollar is worth spending. And, not just the first time, but for all the future potential spends that the organization hungers for. So, what’s left undone, what’s left to chance, what’s possible to improve the probability of a satisfying interaction each and every time? Make it part of your management responsibilities to market the vision, mission and core value of the organization to each and every individual in the organization and allow it to shine through.
How does this get done?
Start and repeat this process as outlined below and it will become a routine part of unleashing one of the strongest marketing tools at your fingertips, day in and day out.
Know, Share & Encourage
Lead by example. Know and speak the organization’s core customer value propositions. Model and give examples of effective interactions. Help individuals integrate into their day to day work routines. Encourage doing a little and learning a lot. Help individuals get better every day.
Post & Reinforce
Many people are visual learners. Take advantage and make visible the organization’s commitment to knowing and sharing. Also, plan out a campaign, in advance, and include several different versions and rotate frequently to show support and enthusiasm. Post in work places, lounges, desk tops, etc. Make it fun and be mindful that customers may catch a glimpse (this is a good thing when done placing customers at the core).
Assess & Improve
What gets measured gets done. And, through measurement you will know what is working and what’s not. Then the focus can be building on what’s working well and changing what isn’t. Critique avoidance is a sign of top down isolation. Help this be bottom up and middle out once the process has begun.
Reward & Acknowledge
Good outcomes deserve recognition, both for individuals and groups. And, rewards don’t have to be exorbitant. Small steps lead to big changes. Using certificates, select parking spots, employee of the month, etc. don’t reduce profit but send a reinforcing signal to everyone these efforts matter and are valued by the organization. Ultimately, when internal marketing pays off in improved customer satisfaction scores and increased revenue, financial rewards are a certain sign the organization supports the effort.
A well designed and executed internal marketing program can be one of the best investments available to grow your business. A good place to start out in 2013 is establishing clear, concrete objectives for such a program. Trestle Point would be pleased to assist you with getting into this starting position.